Maria: Or the Wrongs of Women was a great story. It too was not very long, and I read it for my Gothic class. The story is about a woman, Maria, who was put into a prison. Before she was put into prison, she was pregnant, and had her child right before being arrested. The book is a narrative of Maria telling her child that she hopes that it is not a daughter. She says how hard it is for women to survive in society, and how they will never get anywhere. However, she does tell women to continue to fight for their rights, and hopefully someday they will make an impact.

This book is a little over 150 pages, but it is really good. It is written in a very wonderful way. The first part is a third person narrative, but than the characters have their own stories that they tell. Before we learn about Maria, we learn about her guard keeper, and how she got there. Both stories are about how the women were oppressed because of their sex. The stories are very upsetting to read, however, they are very good readings. They keep the reader interested, and everyone hopes that something good will happen to the women. This book was very powerful to read, especially for women. It was painful to read the story as a woman and to see the pain that the women had to go through, and then end up in a prison/asylum.

What is interesting about the story is the ending of it. There is no real ending of the story. It was never finished, and when you get to the end, there are a few suggested endings. While reading the suggested endings, you will think that none of them fit correctly with the story. Some of them are just so absurd, that it is impossible to think of how the author could have come up with them. At least none of them were actually chosen to finish the story. If you guys read the story, I would love to know what you thought about the different endings. Also, if there are any females that read the book, I want to know your reaction to what happened to Maria.


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